Wednesday, 29 July 2015

item concepts

the prop of choice is a future like gun of some sorts with heavy firepower as in the movie equivalent the main character brings some extra firepower to fight with. This being a grenade launcher attachment.

In my designs i tried three types of weapons, assualt rifle, cannon (carry based) and rocket cannon (shoulder based)  all designs share common traits within each other as their primarily huge for their class all looking towards the shooting from the shoulder type exculding the launchers which are shoulder mounted weapons

the assult rifle class guns are based closely off the movies prop with a heavy gun with a grenade launcher attachment this is under the concept of the weapon being used like it was a parody of the films weapon great for shooting from the waist.

the cannon (carry based) is simlar to the rifle in that it can be shot from the waist to a certain respect but its much bigger and way more powerful than that of a grenade launcher attachment and can be a snigle shot to multiple leaving a much more powerful impact on its targets

the final cannons (sholder based) is around the idea of going for a rocket launcher in a nutshell as powerful as its carry based counterparts or even more powerful in some respects this weapon makes fire power too the fullest in all respects and could lead the development of the desengs

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