Wednesday, 29 July 2015
item concepts
the prop of choice is a future like gun of some sorts with heavy firepower as in the movie equivalent the main character brings some extra firepower to fight with. This being a grenade launcher attachment.
In my designs i tried three types of weapons, assualt rifle, cannon (carry based) and rocket cannon (shoulder based) all designs share common traits within each other as their primarily huge for their class all looking towards the shooting from the shoulder type exculding the launchers which are shoulder mounted weapons
the assult rifle class guns are based closely off the movies prop with a heavy gun with a grenade launcher attachment this is under the concept of the weapon being used like it was a parody of the films weapon great for shooting from the waist.
the cannon (carry based) is simlar to the rifle in that it can be shot from the waist to a certain respect but its much bigger and way more powerful than that of a grenade launcher attachment and can be a snigle shot to multiple leaving a much more powerful impact on its targets
the final cannons (sholder based) is around the idea of going for a rocket launcher in a nutshell as powerful as its carry based counterparts or even more powerful in some respects this weapon makes fire power too the fullest in all respects and could lead the development of the desengs
In my designs i tried three types of weapons, assualt rifle, cannon (carry based) and rocket cannon (shoulder based) all designs share common traits within each other as their primarily huge for their class all looking towards the shooting from the shoulder type exculding the launchers which are shoulder mounted weapons
the assult rifle class guns are based closely off the movies prop with a heavy gun with a grenade launcher attachment this is under the concept of the weapon being used like it was a parody of the films weapon great for shooting from the waist.
the cannon (carry based) is simlar to the rifle in that it can be shot from the waist to a certain respect but its much bigger and way more powerful than that of a grenade launcher attachment and can be a snigle shot to multiple leaving a much more powerful impact on its targets
the final cannons (sholder based) is around the idea of going for a rocket launcher in a nutshell as powerful as its carry based counterparts or even more powerful in some respects this weapon makes fire power too the fullest in all respects and could lead the development of the desengs
color concepts
after early concpet work was finished i decided to pick out set colors for the soldiers armored uniform as it would be military standard and would be fairly distinguishable to know its a soldier in the first place. adding some greens/ greys help define this while the dark greys to blacks are mainly there as added feature like Kevlar body suite for the armor attachments. Colors like blues reds and purples are ideas to give him a bit more life to the character so its keeping him out of being a standard trooper and into a more unique noticeable character
Monday, 27 July 2015
getting started
Blog: I've decided to chose the scene "hello my little friend" from Scarface a action genre, transforming it to a sic-fi genre. The iconic scene is based around a cocaine rage fueled Tony Montana with a death wish. As he fights off a score of hitmen, being a mafia leader and says one of the most well known quotes in movies as he starts to fight off hitmen in one awesome final stand. Which is the original scene based off while instead for my version of it in sci-fi with a future soldier thats really in for some payback with a bigger and much more powerful gun in some small space like a corridor.
The primary goals to achieve in character design is:
- achieve a futuristic look for the soldier
- a idea thats detailed yet fairly simple
- make a fairly big gun thats futuristic also
- make him have a decent build cant truthfully be weak but dont want him to look seriously buff also
- make a stand out color like maroon while keeping greys and blacks
- keep his look intimidating
So far ive decided the basics for the characters look based around likelihood of time period which is around 20 to 50 to even 100 years ahead from now in a nutshell to help with design and through several attempts have come up with a good idea of what to plan for this as a black Kevlar and some new type of strong metal/ carbon fiber materials to show modest protection and making him also very intimidating the helmet will be a challenge as it needs to show a concept of a menacing face behind it.
honestly when i comes to referencing i couldnt really find the name of the artists but instead focused more on many random artists but the concept art relates alot to overall design as a whole like areas will have total cover like chest and lower legs while areas like upper legs and arms will have more plated protection as examples include call of duty ( advanced warfare and black ops 2 and 3), Doom ect where armor and weapons come in many shapes and sizes as a whole. some of these concepts will come later on when i make a reference to the ideas
the soldier would likely be put in very undesirable situations like most common soldiers and will want a bit of payback so maybe as a background coudl be a damaged area or a ship or space station where its time for some revenge to occur weapons could be some heavy duty weapon like a mobile artillary peice or a shoulder cannon to fit the era of his battle
Sunday, 26 July 2015
earily concept work
earily ideas of character amd weapon design work for animation ideas
futureistic soldier
maybe work onto the more "plated or patched" armor to keep it simple yet detailed
fixing helmet up a bit is a good idea
aiming for a nice sic fi look for a soldier as thats the target to get
main focus - simple in a way that its recognizable but detailed that it empathizes the point
futureistic soldier
maybe work onto the more "plated or patched" armor to keep it simple yet detailed
fixing helmet up a bit is a good idea
aiming for a nice sic fi look for a soldier as thats the target to get
main focus - simple in a way that its recognizable but detailed that it empathizes the point
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